How to know you are suitable for Bariatric surgery?

If your weight is 100 pounds or more than your ideal body weight, then you are described as morbidly obese. In addition, weight will be calculated based on the age and height of the person. The BMI index is known to calculate the exact weight of a person, and a person with severe obesity will have a BMI of more than 35.

dr ganesh ramalingam singapore

If you want to undergo bariatric surgery, you must have a BMI of 40 for five years. Even if the minimum BMI is 35 with several medical complications, you can go for bariatric surgery. The operation is possible for patients aged 18 to 65 years. If the patient is younger or older, he may not be suitable for surgery. There must be evidence of unsuccessful attempts to lose weight through a medical program. There are some patients who are not eligible for this surgical procedure under any circumstances. These are patients with mental illnesses, such as psychosis.

If you have a chronic bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease, you cannot go through bariatric surgery. If a patient is diagnosed with a disease, such as cancer, or a serious illness that requires constant medical supervision, and the operation is considered too risky, doctors will never allow the patient to undergo bariatric surgery. People who feel claustrophobic and cannot undergo general anesthesia are not suitable for surgery. Many doctors like dr ganesh ramalingam singapore believe that obese people should never be given the option of bariatric surgery because this will make them more lazy and unwilling to follow a strict diet or a healthy exercise program.