A single Google search of web hosting providers would create an astronomical number of results and looking for the top web hosting companies can prove to be a tricky task, especially for the novice user. It therefore becomes important to carry out a selective analysis to be able to zero down on the best hosting provider available. We have compiled a listing of the top hosting providers which have gained ample recognition in the hosting sector, particularly among their satisfied client base.
- Start logic
This company provides the unbeatable no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee in addition to a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Their data centre is based in Phoenix and the centre is outfitted state-of-the-art redundant optical fibber connections. The business is rated one of the exceptionally dependable hosting providers in the market and boasts of an extremely satisfied customer base.
- Power
The power has the same meaning as high-end technology in HostGator vs Bluehost and a world class client support system. Their 4 Tier1 data centre functions exclusively on AT&T’s Global Crossing and Cable & Wireless’ OC48 / OC192 Global IP backbones. The business utilizes high-end technology and equipment including HP Reliant servers, Dell Power Edge servers in addition to Cisco & Foundry Firewalls and Routers.
This hosting company too is deemed top-notch in the hosting sector. Additionally, it uses redundant dual AC and DC power feeds which are outfitted with multiple backup systems and emergency environment controls in the unlikely event of a catastrophe. Clients can be convinced of world-class technology and services when registering for power.
- BlueHost
BlueHost is a famous hosting provider in the market and has managed to outsmart the ferocious completion from the business primarily because of their unsurpassed customer service and installation of innovative technology in their service deliveries. The business uses the advanced technology of the Quad processor option servers which are much faster and more reliable than the servers used by its rivals. Their uptime guarantee is nevertheless thought of as standard when compared with the hosts mentioned previously. All and all, the business is quite reliable and you can expect excellent service delivery from them as a web hosting provider.
It is important to take note that both start logic and power utilize deck 2.0 control panels that has revolutionized the web hosting business. The deck was initially developed by power them and consequently customers can expect a fast fix and finer tweaks out of them as compared to others.